Sunday, 31 October 2021

天妖記 / Devil Prophecy

One book I highly treasure in my collection is the graphic novel 天妖記 (Tian Yao Ji/ "Devil Prophecy") by Hong Kong artist 李志達 (Li Chi Tak, First published in 1996, its messages are still very much relevant today, about class struggle, about what we are born to do vs what we choose to do. 

Thursday, 28 October 2021

Marketing Tricks #11 - Fully refundable deposit

"Make a deposit of RM500 today, and we will reserve a unit for you for 1 week. If you change your mind later, we will fully refund your deposit." 

When you pay that deposit, psychologically you have started the buying process, and you will have an urge to see it through. The deposit creates a commitment mentality. The "fully refundable" part makes the offer very inviting. 

What to do with this information: 

When you are a buyer, recognise these tricks and don't let them affect you making the right decision. Don't hate marketers. It is their job to help sellers connect to their target audience. As a buyer it is your responsibility to understand the product and whether it fits you. 

When you are a seller, this is a trick you can use. No matter how well you market, you must still have a good product if you want to stay in business. Do right by your customers. 

Monday, 25 October 2021

Do you ask your staff personal questions?

Even if you are a "friendly" type boss, do you ask your staff about their family? Their hopes and dreams? Their childhood traumas? Their opinions on sensitive topics like politics, sex and religion? Do you draw a line where work is work and people don't cross into personal topics? Does your line differ depending on who you are talking to? 

Sunday, 24 October 2021

Virtual Team-Building?

Can team-building be done online? Does it even work?

Now that I have done it together with Captain Fuaad, for a huge group of 109 participants, I know it is not only possible, it can be amazingly fun!

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Training 20 locations in China

I am currently conducting a training for 20 locations across China, from Shanghai to Wuhan, Shenzhen to Beijing. Biggest challenges? 

#1 - Developing all materials in Chinese. E.g. how do you say "stakeholder" in Chinese? Google Translate is not always your best friend. 

#2 - Not to let slip the Malaysian "la"

Sunday, 17 October 2021

A good business vs a great one


The difference between a good business and a great one? 

Answer: After sales service. 

After you make the sale, if you no longer happily service your customers because you can't profit from them anymore, you may lose these customers forever. It shows you only care about your profit, and not about helping others solve their problems. Your customers will lose trust in you and will not introduce their friends to you. 

Do great after sales service. Your happy customers are your best sales team. 

Thursday, 14 October 2021

Letting go

If you want performance from your team, learn to let go.

Letting go is hard to do because we often want things to be done in a very specific way. "Our way". We can't help looking over the shoulders of our teams to make sure they are getting it "right". Sometimes we assign the most crucial bit to ourselves to make sure no one else screws it up. We delegate the less important tasks to our team. If we keep doing this, our teams will never learn, feel empowered or feel trusted. Sometimes just... let it go. Trust your team. 

This and other tips in my book Every Employee an Entrepreneur: 

Sunday, 10 October 2021

Too old for new tricks?

Have you heard a 40-year-old complain "I'm too old to learn this new stuff"?

I had the great pleasure to teach a short course to a group of senior citizens, most of whom are in their 60's and above. They are among the most curious and hungry students I have ever worked with. We really have no excuse to be not continuously learning. 

If you have friends or relatives of 55+ and enjoy learning, recommend to them the University of the 3rd Age - 

Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Basic mistakes people make with names

1. Never spell a person's name wrong. Just spend a few seconds to check her Facebook or LinkedIn. 

2. If Wong Sea Kiong introduces himself as Sea Kiong, please address him as Sea Kiong, not Wong. 

3. When talking to a new friend / colleague, use her name during conversation. It helps you remember the name, and also makes her feel respected and cherished. 

4. Before going into a meeting with new people, spend some time finding out and remembering their names. 

None of these are hard to do, but they can work wonders in building relationships.

Sunday, 3 October 2021

Little Voice


Little Voice - This is a little known movie from 1998. You see beauty and innocence. You also see ugliness and greed. Most of all you see how human we all are. 

Why many companies fail at defining their core values

  Imagine those core value posters, with keywords like Integrity, Respect, and Customer First. Not that they are wrong, but when core values...