Sunday, 9 April 2023

要找到快乐,就要放弃自我 To find happiness, be a pushover





We live in an age where individualism is worshipped. We are told "Follow your dreams", "Be yourself", "Be authentic", "You are special", "Find out who you really are", "Be true to yourself". All these messages are about "me me me". Our egos are inflated.

People rarely change. We become unhappy when we expect them to, but they don't. We think the world and the people around us are not right, according to our standards and values. That's why we are frustrated. When we learn to go with the flow and give people what they need, we will be happier.

Let go of your self. Don't say or do anything that hurts or offends the people around you. This is not about suppressing yourself and your wants, and tolerating people around you. It is about not having your self or wants in the first place, so there is no tolerating. When you have no expectations, you won't be disappointed. Instead, you get happily surprised with every little thing people do for you.


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