Sunday, 28 August 2022

your phone contact list

How do you list your spouse's name in your phone? Chong, John Kee Wing? or just John? or Hubby? Darling?

I go with the first type - surname followed by given name. My wife, my parents, my children, my cousins, everyone. I prefer a standard and systematic approach. And I want to avoid sending my wife's contact to another person while referring to her by her nickname. No, don't ask me what it is.

Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Organisation culture series: Toxic positivity is a thing


Positivity can be bad, when dissenting views are being oppressed. When we can't admit to ourselves our mistakes. When we can't go near difficult topics. When raising a problem is given a response of "you need to have a positive mindset". Have you suffered from toxic positivity before? 

Sunday, 21 August 2022

The biggest joke about movies is child birth


I bet you've seen this many times. Climactic scenes when the pregnant lady's water broke and she had to give birth amidst a gunfight, a high-speed chase, or some other crisis. If you are a parent you will know this is absolute rubbish. Women don't give birth within half an hour. Some child births take longer than the Lord of the Rings trilogy. How can moviemakers get away with this? 

You have to remember who the target audience of your product is. For movies? Mostly teenagers and young adults who are not parents yet. That is why such unrealistic child birth is not a problem. 

There was once an advertising agency which advised their beermaker client that their ad should focus on the low temperature beer fermenting process. The client scoffed and said this was a stupid idea. All beers were brewed that way. Such an ad would become the joke of the industry. What the client didn't understand was the average beer drinker didn't know how beer was brewed. The ad went on to be hugely successful. Other competitors could have claimed to have the same fermenting process, but if they did, they would only sound like imitators. 

Know your target audience. 

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Wednesday, 17 August 2022

To be successful, know how to measure success


It's hip to dismiss KPI's (Key Performance Indicators). People make fun of it as an obsolete way of managing organisations. When people don't use KPI's properly, they become slaves of KPI's and reporting and lose sight of the meaning behind KPI's. OKR is the trendy version of KPI's, but an underlying principle remains the same - if you want to be successful, you must be clear what your measure of success is. Organisations pay attention to what they measure. The act of measuring creates focus, and ultimately results.

This and other tips in my book Every Employee an Entrepreneur:

Sunday, 14 August 2022

脾气好、人生好 The mild-tempered wins the world



When you are mild-tempered, you control your emotions and not the other way round. You develop friendlier and deeper relationships with people around you. It doesn't even take effort, when it is simply who you are.

Wednesday, 10 August 2022

All relationships need to be nurtured


Even the closest ones, which we often take for granted. Or perhaps I should say ESPECIALLY the closest ones. Our partners, our parents, our children, our dearest friends. Relationships need to be renewed. You must spend time together and talk. Or one day you may find your loved one a stranger you no longer understand.  

I date my wife regularly, even though we are both 20 years past the dating age, because I realise there should be no dating age limit in the first place. 

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Sunday, 7 August 2022

To enjoy absolute freedom, work five jobs

I counted the projects I am working on, and realised I am essentially working five jobs. I have close to no free time, but I've never felt so much freedom in my life. The reason is I chose these five jobs. They are exactly what I want to do. I know I can choose to drop any one of them at any time. I have plenty to keep me occupied.

Freedom is not about having a lot of free time. Freedom is about having choice.

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Wednesday, 3 August 2022

"I can't lead because I don't know this well enough"


Leadership isn’t about always knowing what to do, it’s about being willing to act boldly in the face of uncertainty and to own the consequences. 

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How to get old timers to change?

  Many leaders struggle with this. An old-timer can be someone you recruited and has been with the company for 10 years. It can be someone y...