Sunday, 21 August 2022

The biggest joke about movies is child birth


I bet you've seen this many times. Climactic scenes when the pregnant lady's water broke and she had to give birth amidst a gunfight, a high-speed chase, or some other crisis. If you are a parent you will know this is absolute rubbish. Women don't give birth within half an hour. Some child births take longer than the Lord of the Rings trilogy. How can moviemakers get away with this? 

You have to remember who the target audience of your product is. For movies? Mostly teenagers and young adults who are not parents yet. That is why such unrealistic child birth is not a problem. 

There was once an advertising agency which advised their beermaker client that their ad should focus on the low temperature beer fermenting process. The client scoffed and said this was a stupid idea. All beers were brewed that way. Such an ad would become the joke of the industry. What the client didn't understand was the average beer drinker didn't know how beer was brewed. The ad went on to be hugely successful. Other competitors could have claimed to have the same fermenting process, but if they did, they would only sound like imitators. 

Know your target audience. 

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