Wednesday, 4 May 2022

What hiking taught me - in the end, it's just you and your trail

Know your pace.

Once when I went hiking, there were hikers behind me and I could hear them. They were quick and I knew I was in their way. Sometimes they overtook me when the path was wider. Whenever same fast hikers caught up to me from behind, I couldn't help feeling pressured. I went faster trying not to slow them down. Due to my rashness, I slipped and sprained my ankle. The rest of that hike was a slow and painful one. In hindsight, I should have just stopped and stepped aside to let faster hikers pass me, instead of forcing myself to match their pace.

There are other times when I catch up to hikers who are slower than me. In the past I grumbled in my heart and willed them to move faster (it doesn't work). Now if I get impatient I say "sorry, passing through" and I overtake them. They are happy to let me pass. They would probably feel pressured if I keep sticking close behind them.

It is the same in your business, in your career, and in your learning. Don't get distracted by how fast others are, or how slow they are. Find what works for you. In the end it's just you and your trail. Be accountable to yourself, and you do you.

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