Sunday, 25 August 2024

No work is beneath you

Part of my secondary business (or glorified hobby, depending on how you see it) involves manning a retail booth at public fairs, teaching children games and lots of smiling at and approaching strangers. Sometimes I wonder whether this is a good use of my time. Isn't this too low-level work? I am reminded of a lesson learned from an old friend who is a successful entrepreneur. He used to deliver roasted pork in his luxury car when building that business. His client (imagine a middle-aged Chinese hawker stall uncle in singlet and slippers) was shocked to see it and asked him why. His answer was simply this - it was work that needed to be done. 

Yes, as leaders we must spend our time wisely, allocating the right work to the right persons. But we have to remember our work is about delivering an outcome. If a task needs to be done to deliver that outcome, it just needs to be done. No task is below anyone. 

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