Sunday, 10 March 2024

Just Remember One Thing


One common question people ask trainers like me is "What can attending your training do for me (or my staff)?"

It's a valid and important question. Why are we spending money, and also more importantly, many people's time, on training? What can we expect to change after attending a one-day training (or two-, or five-)? Will my people improve their productivity by 10%? Because of this line of thinking, many trainers try to squeeze a lot of content into one day. They want to make the time and money spent by the client feel more worthwhile. Unfortunately that often backfires. It becomes an intense and hurried lecture day, bombarding participants with concepts, which they will broadly understand, but will never apply, and will forget after 3 weeks. As a trainer, what I ask of each of my participants is to remember just one thing from the day. Take just one thing, and use it. Then it is yours forever. It means you have changed into a slightly better person. Then that day of training is worth your time. When we attend a training, any training, or an event, any event; are we prepared to observe and learn just one thing? Even if you are attending a dull academic conference, if you are observant and hungry, you will find that one thing to learn and make yours. It's up to you. Are you ready to find that one thing?

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