Monday, 5 February 2024

Do you talk about your personal life at work?


A: I'm here to work, to make money. Not to make friends. I go somewhere else to make friends. I'm a professional and I get things done. I respect you and I do my part so that we get our work done. But I don't need to be your friend. I'm your colleague. I don't expect you to need to befriend me. No such pressure. Don't waste your time. I respect your time and your privacy. I expect the same. B: If we are going to be working together, why not get to know each other as persons? I don't force anyone to be my friend, but I want to know you better. Maybe we can be good friends. What's the harm in exploring? Strong relationships and trust help us all enjoy our work and when we enjoy our work we are more productive. Why not choose to be happy at work? Why cordon off work from life as if it's toxic? Are you more an A or a B?

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