Monday, 26 February 2024

Be Hungry to Learn

I am nearing the end of a 7-month training project, in which I train and coach senior managers who are based in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, conducting sessions in Mandarin. One thing which impresses me tremendously is how keen my participants are to learn and grow. They ask challenging and in-depth questions. We dissect real-life scenarios which they share. It has been a very rewarding journey. as I accompany them in implementing changes and observing the outcomes of actions they take. I have learned from them. They remind me to stay hungry too.

Sunday, 18 February 2024

Leadership Pitfalls: The bosses who want you to suffer as they have


Have you come across such a type?

Some people had to go through much hardship to become successful. They were treated unfairly. They had difficult working conditions. But they survived, and thrived. Because of that, they believe others should go through the same in order to be successful. Not that they are intentionally malicious or that they want others to fail. Their value system has been shaped by their past experiences. I've met a business owner who pays low wages and expects his employees to do extra work utilising company resources to earn more. I've met a training company owner who pays newer trainers low rates, because he believes that's the way the industry is. One analogy I use is this - if you have suffered from abusive parenting, why would you want to impose the same on your own children? Have you come across such a type? Or are you unconsciously one of them?

Monday, 5 February 2024

Do you talk about your personal life at work?


A: I'm here to work, to make money. Not to make friends. I go somewhere else to make friends. I'm a professional and I get things done. I respect you and I do my part so that we get our work done. But I don't need to be your friend. I'm your colleague. I don't expect you to need to befriend me. No such pressure. Don't waste your time. I respect your time and your privacy. I expect the same. B: If we are going to be working together, why not get to know each other as persons? I don't force anyone to be my friend, but I want to know you better. Maybe we can be good friends. What's the harm in exploring? Strong relationships and trust help us all enjoy our work and when we enjoy our work we are more productive. Why not choose to be happy at work? Why cordon off work from life as if it's toxic? Are you more an A or a B?

How to get old timers to change?

  Many leaders struggle with this. An old-timer can be someone you recruited and has been with the company for 10 years. It can be someone y...