Sunday, 15 October 2023

The transactional employee

Definition: The type who do just enough to fulfil their duties. They don't want to do any more than what's in their job scope. They don't care about the company's vision and mission. They are not here to make friends. This is just a job and they do it only for the salary. They want to leave work on time. They don't want to listen to your motivational talks. 

As leaders, our job is to inspire and develop people. How do we handle employees with a highly transactional mindset? 

The first question we must ask ourselves is what kind of organisation we are. Do we have a role where a transactional employee can fit in just fine? Without negatively affecting the morale of the team? Work is getting done and they are productive? Then by all means leave them be and allocate your time on others where you can make more impact. If your organisation needs a creative and innovative culture, or your industry needs nimbleness and fast learning cycles, then you may not want to recruit or retain transactional employees. They will become counter productive. 

How do you currently manage transactional employees? 

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