Monday, 4 September 2023

天下最难的事:承认错误 The hardest thing in the world is to admit you are wrong


卡内基的书里有说过这样的故事:杀人凶手也觉得自己没错。那为什么我们还那么纠结希望身边的一些人要认错?专心把事做好,一切按规则判断,管好自己能掌控的事,就好了。 不过要注意,有时候不愿意承认错误的人是自己。 Dale Carnegie shared this story in his book - even a serial killer doesn't think he is wrong. Yet why do many of us torture ourselves by insisting someone admit they are wrong? We do our jobs well, we follow the rules and natural processes, we focus on what is within our control. That's all. Just beware sometimes the person unable to accept being wrong is ourselves.

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