Wednesday, 9 March 2022

What hiking taught me - live the moment

My father, a yoga practitioner, always uses this phrase "here and now". One thing I like about going hiking is how it allows me to live in the "here and now". I am focusing on every step I take, deciding where to place my foot next, making sure I have a firm footing. I am not thinking about how far more there is to go, whether I'll be late for my next appointment or whether it is going to rain. I am looking down and taking one step after another, and enjoying being focused on just this one thing. After a one and a half hour hike, I feel refreshed and recharged. 

When you run a business, many worries, issues and goals constantly wear you down. Make time to do one thing which allows you to live in the moment. It gives you clarity and helps you sustain. 

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