Monday, 27 May 2024

Find a job you love


During the Q&A session at the end of one recent training programme I conducted, I received a "question" that took me by surprise. Instead of asking about the content we covered, the participant asked why I still had so much energy after two days of intense training, standing in front of the class. I wasn't prepared for such a question, but there was no need to. I said simply "I love what I do." It is not only about finding a job you love, it is also about learning to love the job you've found. Every job and every business has it's challenges. It is in overcoming them that we create value, and we learn to love what we do.

Sunday, 12 May 2024

The Intrapreneurial Employee


Is that a myth? Why would an employee who is paid a fixed salary and doesn't own any company share behave like an entrepreneur? As business leaders, if we want high performing teams, we must cultivate these mindsets in our people. 

Sunday, 5 May 2024

Organisation culture is patterns you repeat.


That's one easy way to understand organisation culture. What behaviours do you observe repeatedly in your organisation? Both positive or negative. What issues crop up repeatedly? What conflicts happen repeatedly? Are there things you know are wrong, but no one seems to be able to break out of the habit, the cycle? These patterns define your organisation culture. Changing organisation culture requires breaking the patterns. It takes courage and persistence. That's what leaders have to do. 1. Have those difficult conversations. 2. State expectations clearly. 3. Take action about behaviours you do not want in the organisation. Without leadership, the patterns will continue to repeat.

Why many companies fail at defining their core values

  Imagine those core value posters, with keywords like Integrity, Respect, and Customer First. Not that they are wrong, but when core values...